Sunday, February 20, 2011


  1. Parses /var/log/secure to find all login attempts and filters failed and successful attempts.
  2. Synchronization mode (new in 2.0) allows DenyHosts daemons the ability to share data via a centralized server to proactively thwart attacks.
  3. Can be run from the command line, cron or as a daemon (new in 0.9)
  4. Records all failed login attempts for the user and offending host
  5. For each host that exceeds a threshold count, records the evil host
  6. Keeps track of each non-existent user (eg. sdadasd) when a login attempt failed.
  7. Keeps track of each existing user (eg. root) when a login attempt failed.
  8. Keeps track of each offending host (with 0.8+ these hosts can be purged if the associated entry in /etc/hosts.deny is expired)
  9. Keeps track of suspicious logins (that is, logins that were successful for a host that had many login failures)
  10. Keeps track of the file offset, so that you can reparse the same file (/var/log/secure) continuously (until it is rotated).
  11. When the log file is rotated, the script will detect it and parse from the beginning.
  12. Appends /etc/hosts.deny and adds the newly banned hosts
  13. Optionally sends an email of newly banned hosts and suspicious logins.
  14. Keeps a history of all user, host, user/host combo and suspicious logins encountered which includes the data and number of corresponding failed login attempts.
  15. Maintains failed valid and invalid user login attempts in separate files, such that it is easy to see which valid user is under attack (which would give you the opportunity to remove the account, change the password or change it's default shell to something like /sbin/nologin
  16. Upon each run, the script will load the previously saved data and re-use it to append new failures.
  17. Resolves IP addresses to hostnames, if available (new in v0.6.0).
  18. /etc/hosts.deny entries can be expired (purge) at a user specified time (new in 0.8)
  19. FreeBSD support (added in 0.7)


Red Hat Directory Server

Features Overview
  1. Centralizes management of people and their profiles, reducing administrative costs
  2. Acts as a central repository for user profiles and preferences, enabling personalization
  3. Allows 4-way multi-master replication of data across the enterprise, providing a centralized, consistent data source available to enterprise applications
  4. Enables single sign-on access with a partner solution
  5. Provides scalability for massive numbers of users by containing the information control required for developing extranet applications
  6. Provides full support for 64-bit HP-UX, Solaris and Red Hat Enterprise Linux platforms
  7. Provides the foundation for strong certificate-based authentication when used in conjunction with a Red Hat Certificate System


HTTP accelerator

  1. Varnish
  2. Squid
p.s. The Norway biggest online news provider use 3 Varnish machines replace 12 Squid machines. Wikipedia is planning to use Varnish instead of Squid.


  1. Xen
  2. VMware
  3. VirtualBox
  4. KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine)

With ConVirt you configure, monitor and automate your Xen and KVM deployments and private clouds from a single at-a-glance dashboard. Open source virtualization is now a real option for enterprises!


p.s. RHEL 6.0 Beta already remove Xen and may use KVM for virtualization.

Infrastructure Monitoring

  2. Xymon
  3. Hinemos
  4. Nagios

ProgrammingC, PHPCJavaC
Admin GUIWebWebEclipse clientWeb
OSLinux / UNIXLinux / UNIXRed Hat Linux / Solaris (Admin GUI running on Windows XP)Linux / UNIX
Support Monitor OSLinux / UNIX / WindowsLinux / UNIX / WindowsRed Hat Linux / Windows XPLinux / UNIX / Windows

Novell Cloud Manager

Infrastructure Manager

Novell Cloud Manager support Xen, Hyper-V and VMware.

Novell Cloud Manager can estimate cost.
